Ning ICP prepared 18000321-1

Dynamics of Party building in China

Write a new chapter for sports power to pursue dreams and forge ahead

阅读:1707 时间:2021-09-14 15:19

  9秒83,苏炳添在东京奥运会男子百米飞人大战中一鸣惊人,给中国乃至亚洲短跑树立了新的丰碑。回顾一个月前动人心弦那一刻,32岁的苏炳添说:“我敢很肯定地说肯定有(上升)空间。They talk about the limits of Asians. I don't think there are any limits, you know。”

  Su Bingtian's achievements and self-confidence stem from the powerful motherland behind him。东京奥运会上,中国体育健儿以使命在肩、奋斗有我的精神,发扬顽强拼搏、奋勇争先的优良传统,为祖国争光,为奥运增辉,交出了出色的成绩单。

  The excellent performance in the arena is the epitome of the all-round development of Chinese sports。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记亲自谋划、亲自推动,为中国体育事业发展指明了方向、绘定了蓝图。

  “体育是提高人民健康水平的重要途径,It is an important means to meet the people's yearning for a better life and promote the all-round development of people,It is an important driving force for economic and social development,It is an important platform for displaying national cultural soft power。”

  从1917年毛泽东同志发出“欲文明其精神,先自野蛮其体魄”的呼喊至今,体育的内涵和外延从未如此丰富和清晰。Sports carry the dream of national prosperity and rejuvenation。站在“两个一百年”奋斗目标交汇的历史方位,建设体育强国目标标注出体育在新时代的全新定位,正在谱写逐梦奋进新篇章。

  Mission in the shoulder struggle have me


  Foreknowledge ensures success。受新冠肺炎疫情影响,东京奥运周期历时5年、充满变数与挑战。习近平总书记在2020年9月22日主持召开教育文化卫生体育领域专家代表座谈会时就强调:“要妥善应对新冠肺炎疫情带来的影响,We will make coordinated efforts for the Tokyo and Beijing Winter Olympics,Give full play to the advantages of our country's competitive sports nationwide system,Firmly establish the idea of a national game of chess,Do our best to prepare for the Tokyo Olympic Games."。


  If people are of one mind, Mt. Tai will be moved。面对奥运延期一年、疫情不确定性、长时间封闭训练、缺少比赛检验等种种不利因素,Chinese sports people remember the general secretary's instructions,With the support and help of all walks of life,通过强化思想建设、优化备战体制机制、实施科技助力、组织转训比赛等措施,The system and integrity of the preparation for the Olympic Games are guaranteed,Effectively enhance the overall competitiveness of the team in Tokyo。


  This summer,中国奥运健儿们成为很多青年人追逐的偶像——无论是苏炳添惊人的9秒83,还是举重选手吕小军走红海外的“军神”之名;无论是首金得主杨倩的邻家女孩气质,And the women's three-way basketball players,Waves of positive energy are frequently trending,To be the brightest star。




  Liu Hong is a member of the 2016 graduate champion class of Beijing Sport University。2019年6月18日,习近平总书记在给冠军班同学们回信中说:“新时代的中国,更需要使命在肩、奋斗有我的精神。希望你们继续带头拼、加油干,为建设体育强国多作贡献,为社会传递更多正能量。”



  "The mission is on the shoulder, the struggle has me。”中国体育健儿时刻牢记总书记的期许,牢记使命、戒骄戒躁、再接再厉,努力为祖国和人民赢得更大荣誉,让体育为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦增添强大中国力量。

  We will deliver a simple, safe and wonderful Winter Olympics to the world

  After the Tokyo Games, Beijing will become a place where the Olympic family will meet again。9月7日,一段上海美术电影制片厂两年前创作的动画宣传片再一次引起广泛转发:孙悟空、雪孩子、葫芦娃、哪吒等国漫经典人物化身冬季运动高手,为冬奥会打call。




  People in Chongli, a small city in Hebei province, feel this most deeply。At the end of 2015, Chongli was still a poor county, with a poverty incidence of 16 percent.81%,是冬奥会让这个小城一夜成名,带来了冰雪产业的大爆发。

  In May 2019, Chongli withdrew from the ranks of poor counties and completely lifted itself out of poverty。崇礼人捧起了家门口的“雪饭碗”——2019年直接或间接从事冰雪产业和旅游服务人员达3万多人,其中包括过去的贫困人口9000多人。

  Not only Chongli,This is a big game that concerns the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,习近平总书记对此早已运筹帷幄:河北省、张家口市要抓住历史机遇,We will closely implement the 13th Five-Year Plan,We will work closely together to promote coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,Through the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, we will promote development in all aspects,We made great efforts to deliver two outstanding results in the preparation of the Winter Olympics and local development。



  Ice sports should start with children。刚上初二的北京少年官子钊已经练了8年冰球,他至今还记得4年前和习近平总书记“撞肩”互动的一幕。2020年他还入选了北京市青少年冰球队,“习爷爷鼓励我们好好练习冰球。I want to be a volunteer at the Beijing Winter Olympics to introduce ice hockey to everyone。"Guan Zi Zhao said。




  2021年1月,习近平总书记第四次实地考察北京冬奥会、冬残奥会筹办工作,He stresses,The success of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games is a major event for the Party and the country,It is our solemn commitment to the international community,The mission of preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games is glorious and of great significance。





  The foundation of sports power lies in mass sports

  The 14th National Games will soon open in Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province。"All the people, together" is the theme slogan of this National Games。如今的全运会不只是专业运动员的竞技盛会,还是群众爱好者展示自我的大舞台。


  “革命时期咱陕北的秧歌和腰鼓从延安跳到全中国,现在我们参与创编的健身腰鼓、秧歌又把健康送到了老百姓的家门口。"Wu Yan said。


  Millions of fitness-loving Chinese are feeling the changes。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, national fitness has received unprecedented attention

  In 2012, the "extensive national fitness campaign" was written into the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China。

  In 2014, national fitness was officially promoted as a national strategy。


  In 2017, the mass competition made its debut at the 13th National Games。




  Over the years, people's willingness to exercise has been increasing。在西安刁家村,伴着院中桂花芬芳,曾参加过1959年第一届全运会摩托艇比赛的张志忠带着十几位老年人练起了健身气功,多年来几乎风雨无阻。

  “我是练竞技体育的,退休后也把健身习惯带给了院里的老百姓,希望大家一道向着健康前进。"Said the 82-year-old。


  在习近平总书记关心下,群众锻炼的硬件设施和软件服务水平也在水涨船高。By the end of 2020, there are 371 sports venues in China.3万个,体育场地面积31亿平方米,群众最关心的“去哪儿健身”难题正在解决。



  在很多场合,习近平总书记都对孩子的全面发展格外关注。2020年他在陕西安康市平利县老县镇中心小学考察时说:“现在孩子普遍眼镜化,这是我的隐忧。There is also a decline in physical fitness due to the lack of physical exercise。Civilization its spirit, barbarism its body, I say 'barbarism its body' is to strengthen the body。”

  The new semester begins in September this year,Primary school children in Beijing, Shanghai and many other places have found,I added more physical education to my schedule,In the Ministry of Education to promote the "double reduction" work at the same time,"Physical Education every day" is becoming a standard part of the curriculum in more and more places,The role and proportion of sports in youth education are really improving。

  Build a strong sports country and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation


  如今,北京即将成为全球首个举办夏季、冬季奥运会的双奥之城;1984年洛杉矶奥运会至今,我国体育健儿已夺得262枚奥运金牌;全国经常参与体育锻炼的人数比例达37.In 2019, the average life expectancy was 77.At the age of 3, the hat of "sick man of East Asia" has long been lost to the cloud...


  In September 2020, experts in the field of education, culture, health and sports were held at the forum,习近平总书记用“四个重要”概括了新时代体育的新内涵:体育是提高人民健康水平的重要途径,It is an important means to meet the people's yearning for a better life and promote the all-round development of people,It is an important driving force for economic and social development,It is an important platform for displaying national cultural soft power。

  From national fitness to healthy China, the superposition of the two national strategies has consolidated the foundation of sports power。从2014年《手机买球网站》将全民健身上升为国家战略,到2016年《手机买球网站》指出推进健康中国建设是全面提升中华民族健康素质、实现人民健康与经济社会协调发展的国家战略。习近平总书记高瞻远瞩,准确勾画出两大国家战略之间的清晰逻辑和实现路径。

  Health is "1", and the more "0" after it, the stronger the happiness of the people。国家体育总局运动医学研究所所长谢敏豪表示,体育运动在提高人民身体素质和健康水平、促进人的全面发展等方面有着不可替代的作用。

  Demand pulls supply, and supply creates demand。不断高涨的健身氛围也在推动体育产业蓬勃发展,2015至2018年,全国体育产业总规模年均增长15.9%, the average annual growth of industrial added value of 22%.4%,2019年全国体育产业总规模(总产出)为29483亿元,增加值为11248亿元,GDP占比超过1%。



  Soft power comes from hard confidence。从北京奥运会学习奥运标准,到北京冬奥会树立奥运标杆,中国体育人交出了中国方案;创建于江苏无锡的跆拳道大满贯赛事,直接带动世界跆拳道运动的竞赛规则改革,中国“IP”讲述出全新的中国故事……

  Strong sports make China strong, and sports carry the dream of national prosperity and rejuvenation。习近平总书记强调:“体育是提高人民健康水平的重要手段,也是实现中国梦的重要内容,能为中华民族伟大复兴提供凝心聚气的强大精神力量。”


  (Xinhua News Agency, Xi 'an, September 14 -- Reporter Chu Guoqiang, Zheng Xin, Wang Hengzhi)

  People's Daily (Edition 01, September 15, 2021)

(Editor: Wang Zifeng, Wang Keyuan)

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